Dental Fillings Near You

You’re likely familiar with dental fillings, even if it’s just by name. This specific treatment is regularly performed to assist patients with cavities.

Southside Dental offers dental fillings in Meadows, AB, as a means of family and restorative dentistry. If you’re interested in gathering more information about this process or are ready to schedule an appointment, we invite you to contact us when you can!

dental fillings in meadows

What is a Tooth Cavity?

Dental caries, known more commonly as cavities, develop when excessive decay remains on your tooth. This decay eats away at the enamel and dentin, the two outer layers covering your tooth, which can lead to sensitivity and harm the tooth’s internal structure.

Often, cavities are caused by poor oral hygiene habits, lack of fluoride exposure, and a diet that is high in acidic and sugary food and drink. Acid is produced when the bacteria in your mouth interact with these things. This can contribute to cavity formation if left to gather on your smile.

Getting Teeth Gap Filling Near You

Receiving a dental filling is a straightforward process that involves just a few steps. They are listed below:

  1. The area around the affected tooth will be numbed using local anesthesia. This will help you stay comfortable.
  2. Next, our dentist will get to work removing every bit of decay using a drill or a tool known as air abrasion.
  3. Once the area is free of debris, the space left behind will be thoroughly cleaned.
  4. The filling material is placed into your tooth. Before this happens, our dentist will work with you to choose the best material for your case, including gold, amalgam, or composite resin. The latter is a great option if you prefer your filling to blend in with your natural teeth.
  5. Your material of choice is hardened in place by a special light. Our dentist will proceed to polish your tooth and make any needed adjustments. And then, you’re all done!

Overall, the entire procedure can typically be completed in one visit to the dentist’s clinic and usually takes around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the extent of the decay and the filling material used.

If you’ve been searching for a reliable dentist to help you achieve a fully functioning smile, you’ve come to the right place! Our staff is excited to work with you very soon, so please, call or send us an appointment request today!