Dental Crowns Near You

A dental crown is one of the best forms of restorative dentistry available. Not only is it customizable, but it can effectively remedy various problems like seriously cracked teeth.

At Southside Dental, everyone deserves high-quality care. So, if you’ve been searching for a reliable dental crown treatment in Meadows, AB, that provides lasting, reliable results, please don’t hesitate to contact our dentist near you today.

dental crowns in meadows

What is a Dental Crown?

Simply put, a crown is a unique dental structure designed to cover a tooth that’s grown weak or suffered damage. Though they can be fabricated from several materials, including metal, ceramic and porcelain, crowns are the most popular due to the ease with which they blend into a patient’s natural smile.

This treatment is frequently recommended to repair unhealthy teeth and improve the overall appearance of discoloured or otherwise unattractive teeth.

A tooth crown can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. The crown is installed over the affected tooth after the damaged or decayed portion has been removed and the remaining tooth structure has been prepared to receive the crown. Once your mouth has healed, the device will protect against further harm and improve the tooth’s natural function.

Call our dentist if you have any queries about this process. They’ll be happy to assist you with anything you need. Do keep in mind that before any official work can be done, you’ll need to attend a consultation with our dentist so they can determine if this avenue of care is appropriate for your situation.

Reasons to Get a Dental Crown Procedure

  • Protect and strengthen a tooth that’s fractured.
  • Addressing teeth that are irregularly shaped to make your smile more uniform.
  • To support a newly installed dental bridge. Crowns keep the device in position.
  • Covering up a dental implant.
  • Repairing a tooth with a large cavity – specifically one much too large for a traditional dental filling to fix.
  • Enhance the appearance of discoloured teeth as well as your entire smile.
  • Strengthening a weakened or worn-down tooth.

Here at our neighbourhood dental office, we look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams and getting dental crowns near you is a great way to do that. Call or email our team to schedule a consultation; we can’t wait to work with you!